lois crayon sukiyabashi - Shop details | Chuou-ku - Tokyo-to | Fashion Collect

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lois crayon sukiyabashi

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lois crayon sukiyabashi

JPN:ロイスクレヨン 数寄屋橋店

5-1 Ginza,Chuou-ku,Tokyo, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Ginza Station(Tokyometoro ginza Line) - 3 minute walk
  • Hibiya Station(Tokyometoro hibiya Line) - 3 minute walk
  • Yūrakuchō Station(Yamanote Line) - 4 minute walk
  • Ginza itchome Station(Tokyometoro yuurakuchou Line) - 7 minute walk
  • Shimbashi Station(Toukaidou honsen) - 8 minute walk
Handling brand
It is retail of Lois CRAYON.  
:4.0  -  Point:3,284 pt(Ranking 44,363)

Review List

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  [ 2015/04/19 22:07:52 ]

I was looking around several shops to find a blouse and I happened to pop in to this shop.
The inside is big and has a luxurious atmosphere. There were many items and I couldn't decide what to choose, then a shop assistant asked me what kind of clothes I had, I bought it with her help!
She also recommended a skirt but it was expensive, so just got the blouse. :-}
I felt it was difficult to go in because of the shop's atmosphere, but the staff was pretty and friendly, unexpectedly easy to talk to. It might not be the shop for someone who doesn't like talking to shop assistants...? The shop is the long building near Hibiya Theatre. Almost the whole ground floor is occupied by that shop.

Popular shop around Chuou-ku,Tokyo-to

Popular shop list(Chuou-ku,Tokyo-to)

About lois crayon sukiyabashi

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