TAKEO KIKUCHI general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1984-)
Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Suit,Uniform,Sports,Underwear,Children clothing 
Web site

Official : http://www.takeokikuchi.com/

Online shop : http://store.world.co.jp/s/takeokikuchi/index.html


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/TAKEO_Official

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TAKEOKIKUCHI.world

: 3.5  -  Point:8,823 pt (Ranking 59)


TAKEO KIKUCHI is fashion brand which it was founded by Takeo KIKUCHI which was bearing its own name in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1984 and it is 40 years since the establishment. Item is Long Nose, Key ring, Cardigan, Plane toe, Hunting.

Related Reviews  - TAKEO KIKUCHI -

   LaLaport TOKYO BAY

Went to a bargain sale with husband on 27th June. We arrived there at about 4pm. The inside store was quite busy due to the second day of the sale as well as being on Saturday. The shops we went were TAKEO KIKUCHI (husband) and GLOBE (myself). When I was buying a pair of jeans and went to the till at 4.50pm, the staff told me that the limited hour sale that was offering further 20% off would start from 5pm and I could buy them much cheaper. They seemed to tell us about the limited hour sale 10 minutes before the sale start. TAKEO KIKUCHI also had a limited hour sale from 5pm and they offered 10% off for 2 items. The inside was very lively and I unintentionally put items into the shopping basket as the up-tempo music and the staff's high tone voice stimulated the purchase desire. We had to wait for fitting rooms and at the tills. In the end, I bought a pair of jeans at GLOBE and husband bought 3 shirts at TAKEO KIKUCHI. It was good that we could choose from varieties of sizes, colours and designs as it was just after the limited hour sale started. We can't help being impatient during limited hour sale and we might have been able to find something better. However the items we've been often wearing these items we purchased, and I would be able to say that the bargain hunt on that occasion was somehow successful.


I like clothes from TAKEO KIKUCHI but I wish male assistants were there. It's difficult to go in and try clothes on.


I bought a suit from this shop.
I desperately needed one for my friend's wedding but I couldn't find what I liked, then came to this shop.
The inside had a very nice atmosphere and I could take time to look around. I tried some on and the staff was nice, suggested some co-ordination ideas with ties, shirts and shoes. I could learn from her.
After I decided the purchase, she quickly arranged to turn the hem up, so I could take it home with me on the day. The items are brilliant and the staff is kind and offers polite service so we can shop comfortably.


I bought a tie as a Valentain's gift for my boyfriend. I was a little nervous because it's in Men's floor. But there was a female salesclerk so it's easy to walk in. Since I don't usually wear a tie, I have no idea what is good. The salesclerk gave me advice considering how he usually wears. So I could find and bought 2 ties. The wrapping was very nice and beautiful. Their service is nice and kind so I enjoyed shopping.

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