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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice

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Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice
Japan  - Tokyo-to
Samantha Thavasa Japan Limited 
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About Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice

Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice is fashion brand which it was founded by Samantha Thavasa Japan Limited in japan(Tokyo-to). Item is Shoulder bag, Purse, Coin purse, Key case, Wallet.

Related Reviews  - Samantha Thavasa Petit Choice -

   marui City Ikebukuro

I went to new year's sale at Marui City Ikebukuro on 2nd Jan. The opening time was 10am but I got there around 7.30am.
There were 15-20 groups of people queueing up. Just waiting in cold weather.
Pairs went to coffee shop nearby one at a time, in turn to get warmed up.
The queue got longer near the opening time.
Everybody rushed to their favourite brands' shops as soon as the shop opened.
I wanted to buy a bag from Samantha Thavasa near the main entrance on the ground floor.
There were 10 odd people in Samantha shop and they were holding bags they liked.
I quickly got 2 bags and went round the shop.
Someone returned bags to the shelves, others picked them up then someone else returning and so on.
I believe shop assistants said we could hold on up to 2 bags.
There were more items than expected and started queuing up from early hours, I could take time to choose.
In the end, I bought a pink bag for work and a blue one for private use. I like them a lot.
If I give someone my advice, get there as early as possible so more likely you can buy what you like.
Many bags in Samantha shop were sold just in 1 hour from the opening, you'd better to get up early to avoid disappointment.
You'd also better to well prepared for cold weather as you will have to wait outside for long.
An instant body warmer is essential and books or game console are useful, too.
In shops, most people normally hold several items. If you spot something you like, wait for them to return those to the shelves and quickly pick them up before someone else does.
I assume others do the same so you, too, should put the unwanted items back as soon as you decided not to buy.

I went to this shop that was dedicated for small items as I liked this brand for bags and wanted a wallet from same brand. It was a bit difficult to go in as a shop assistant came to talk to me when I was glancing from outside since the shop was just inside the entrance. However, as a result, I could find an item I liked a lot by her suggestions on new arrivals and different colours that weren't on the shelves.

I bought a pair of shoes that I wanted for a long time. The shop is on the way to Hankyu and shopping street from JR Sannomiya station. I happen to pop in as the location is standing out and the inside always looks sparkly. I always get excited by just going there as I can look over all the items from one position because the items are placed in the longer way on both sides of aisles. The shop assistant was also very kind, showed me the inside of the bags, arranged a mirror to look at myself holding the bags in, took out other colours that weren't on the shelves, showed me some accessories that suited the bags. She patiently served me to the end despite I couldn't decide what to buy straight away. The wrapping was also gorgeous and I was very happy with the purchase.

I bought a pass case the other day. I wanted one that wasn't too thick but I could put a few credit cards in. The staff suggested several and I could buy what I liked. I'm using it every day and very nice and easy.
I forgot to present my membership point card but the staff politely sorted it out and I could enjoy shopping. I want to go there again.

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