Dior general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
France (1946-)
Christian DIOR 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.dior.com/

Online shop :


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/Dior

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Dior

: 4.0  -  Point:7,320 pt (Ranking 1,017)

About Dior

Dior is fashion brand which it was founded by Christian DIOR in france in 1946 and it is popular brand of more than in 78 years since the establishment. Item is Mods coat, Three fold wallet, Knit, Wool jacket, Two fold wallet.

Related Reviews  - Dior -

   Dior Hoshigaoka MITSUKOSHI

It's a shop I often go to.
I like DIOR perfume and always buy them and the staff explains the cosmetic trial etc every time. It's nice that they give me some toner and make-up foundation when I buy perfume.
The shop assistants are very pretty and they nicely come to talk to me when I'm looking at items. The way they talk and serve customers is very nice and I have a good impression. I'll buy from this shop as before.

I went to Dior to buy foundation I always use. Some staffs are in charge of me, they’re always kind and tell me new foundations or how to make-up to hide pores every time. I think any Dior shop never give us full make-up except this Dior shop. After that I purchased their recommended whitening essence. It was really satisfied shopping. I may become a regular customer.

   Dior ISETAN Urawa

The all shop assistants in this shop are nice and kind, with nice smiles on their faces. I go there since I was a uni student, most other shops take no notice of students but this shop is different, the staff comes to talk to me. However, they are never too pushy so I can take time to look around. Although the shop is not very big, it's easier to shop. Also very clean.
I often ask them to put make up on me. I think my skin condition has been improved since I started make up session there. I could find the best suitable items to my skin type.
They give samples away for the skin condition on the day so we can try it at home before purchase. They are so kind so I recommended this shop to my family and friends.

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