COMME CA MEN general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to
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: 2.5  -  Point:6,007 pt (Ranking 6,881)


COMME CA MEN is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - COMME CA MEN -

I went to this shop to buy a skinny trousers for my boyfriend.
It's easy to find as the shop is right beside the escalator on 7th floor in Sogo Kashiwa store. The shop itself was quite small but easy to look around and choose as the display was fashionable and the new arrivals and other items were all well placed in categories.
The staff was kind and gave me some advice. Because it was my boyfriend's gift, I couldn't decide and looking around for a long time but she attended me without any grumpy face.
After another long consideration, I found a nice pair of skinny trousers that could be co-ordinated with trendy gears (could be worn in different styles) I was very happy with them.

I like shops in COMME CA group such as COMME CA COMMUNE and PURPLE & YELLOW. I popped in COMME CA STYLE MEN when I went to Sapporo STELLA PLACE for the first time. This shop had men's items selected from COMME CA group I liked. The shop was big and had a chic atmosphere.
I was looking for a belt from a brand called ARTISAN but I couldn't find it, so asked a shop assistant. Although I almost gave it up, she found it in other shop and told me she could send it to me later on so I asked for it. The staff was kind and polite. The item arrived fairly soon and I was very happy with it as well as their service.

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