American Apparel general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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American Apparel

JP / EN ]
American Apparel
America (1989-)
Dov Charney 
Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Underwear,Children clothing 
Web site

Official :

Online shop : Same as Official web-site


Twitter  :

Facebook :

: 4.5  -  Point:5,995 pt (Ranking 6,936)

About American Apparel

American Apparel is fashion brand which it was founded by Dov Charney in america in 1989 and it is 35 years since the establishment. Item is Burakyami, Wrap skirt, Briefs, Necklace, Tank top.

Related Reviews  - American Apparel -


I went to my favorite shop since my school days, American Apparel, to purchase an inner. Many inners of American Apparel are colorful so this shop is very enjoyable. American Apparel has many color’s items which other shops don’t have, we can make various coordination here. I love American Apparel! In addition, it’s big help for me that price is reasonable.


I love American Apparel! The shop assistants are fashionable and cool. Most items are standard designs so the shop is always crowded by the wide varieties of generations.
The shop assistants' fashion is superb, wearing plain outfit but adding some small items or accessories to produce clever styles! I learn all the time by watching and talking to them. The shop is near DIESELL on Cat Street.
I often go there as they have wide varieties of items which can be used for both regular and formal outing.

   american apparel daikanyama

The most famous AMERICAN APPAREL is along Cats Street from Shibuya but I think the one in Daikanyama is also pretty good.
I feel the age range there is slightly higher. The shop assistants are fashionable in simple style, same as those in Cat Street shop. It's not very crowded so you can take time to look around. Daikanyama itself is very chic and I think you can shop with ease.

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