Review:No.176549 Word-of-mouth・Review of BEAMS Kopis Kichijoji | Fashion Collect

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No.176549 Review of BEAMS Kopis Kichijoji

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   BEAMS Kopis Kichijoji  [ 2015/07/10 ]

I bought a pair of ADIDAS Superstar Vintage trainers. BEAMS often has ADIDAS items. I always buy there rather than at ADIDAS shops as BEAMS has more collaboration items and more Superstars trainers in varieties of colours. I bought them in Black and White this time. I could buy them easier as she suggested me to try them on when I was looking at them and also explained in details. I went to COPPICE to buy kid's clothes without knowing there was a BEAMS shop within, so I want to go to buy Stansmith trainers next time.

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