Review:No.176398 Word-of-mouth・Review of BEAMS Fukuoka PARCO | Fashion Collect

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No.176398 Review of BEAMS Fukuoka PARCO

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   BEAMS Fukuoka PARCO  [ 2015/06/29 ]

I was looking for a t-shirt that I could wear casually suring the summer. As I walked around I spotted the perfect one so I came in to the store to look. The store associates suggested me the one that is kind of like my style. In fact, I personally do not like to be spoken to while I'm shopping, but this store associate explain about the t-shirts without the sales talk and gave me some advice on what items are going well with the t-shirts and I really had a great impression on them. The store was decorated very classy, and I would like to come back here to shop again.

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