Review:No.175785 Word-of-mouth・Review of marimekko hiroshima | Fashion Collect

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No.175785 Review of marimekko hiroshima

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   marimekko hiroshima  [ 2015/05/03 ]

I like MARIMEKKO and always go to their shop when new arrivals are displayed.
The items are pretty and display is unique but I feel their 'Please feel free to take and buy the items' kind of attitude.
Even when I was looking at some clothes, the staff stuck at the till and never came out. They always seem to be working on PC. Without you asking, they don't serve customers and I'm not brave enough to ask so I haven't bought anything as my queries on items are never sorted. The men's ties and wallets are farthest from the till and they are in display cases so we have to go to the till to get the staff even if we want to take the items in hand as a gift.

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