Review:No.175500 Word-of-mouth・Review of LOUIS VUITTON Iyotetu Takashimaya | Fashion Collect

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No.175500 Review of LOUIS VUITTON Iyotetu Takashimaya

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   LOUIS VUITTON Iyotetu Takashimaya  [ 2015/04/07 ]

I bought a bag and a card case for my own reward. I had never bought anything from brand shop in department store, so I looked forward to it as well as being a bit nervous. I went there with my work colleague at that time.
The inside was bright with warm lighting and there were many bags and wallets placed in beautiful, cute and cool styles, it looked like an exhibition. There was a spiral stairs at the end of the shop that led us to upstairs where they had shoes and bags. The staff was very polite and calm, she looked for the items that would suit me. She was casually wearing an item from their own brand and looked cool.

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